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June 8, 2020
Expanding Niantic Wayfarer Access and In-Game Rewards
Blog > Expanding Niantic Wayfarer Access and In-Game Rewards
June 8, 2020
Expanding Niantic Wayfarer Access and In-Game Rewards


Niantic Wayfarer empowers eligible Pokémon GO and Ingress players to review and ultimately decide on which interesting points-of-interest get added to our platform. Since the global launch in November 2019, the Wayfarer community has helped add nearly 1.9 million (and counting!) Wayspots across the globe. We’re incredibly motivated by the community’s dedication and we’re excited to open up the opportunity to more players to explore the real world through Wayfarer.

The ability to review Wayspots in Wayfarer is limited to those who meet strict eligibility requirements. This includes a level requirement in Pokémon GO or Ingress, and passing a tutorial quiz. This has been an important strategy to carefully pace the influx of Wayspots across our platform while maintaining quality reviews.

Based on the success and quality of the reviews those Wayfinders have been submitting, we are pleased to announce we will be lowering the level requirements for reviewing even further, allowing Pokémon GO Trainers Level 38 and Ingress Agents level 10 to join! PokéStop and Portal nomination levels will remain the same.

We’re also adding and updating in-game rewards! In Ingress, we’re temporarily doubling the credit value for Wayfarer Agreements towards the Recon medal. Starting today in Pokémon GO, we’ll be launching a new Wayfarer Medal for eligible Wayfarers. Wayfarer will credit eligible Pokémon GO players for the number of Agreements earned while their Wayfinder profile rating was in good (yellow) or great standing (green). And yes, Agreement points will be rewarded retroactively for all the hard work players have been putting in!

We’re excited to welcome all new Wayfinders and look forward to continuing this Wayfinding journey with you! Be sure to join the conversation in the Wayfarer Community.

-The Niantic team

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